Geoscience Reference
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Now we choose for study the Gaussian-shaped form of the correlation function.
Since the random fields are anisotropically distributed on the ground surface, the
function ‰ . w /
lp . L ;!/ may depend on two correlation radii, so it can be chosen in the
lp . L ;!/ D F lp .!/ exp
! :
L y
y .!/
L x
x .!/
. w /
The radii x .!/ and y .!/ characterize the correlations of the wind-current
fluctuation in the x and y-directions, respectively. The functions F lp .!/ depend
on how the height-integrated current I . w /
l is correlated with the current I . w p .
In particular, if these currents are statistically independent of each other, then
F lp .!/ D 0. In the subsequent discussion we define both the specific form of the
correlation radius and the factor F lp .!/.
Substituting Eq. ( 6.86 )for‰ . w /
lp into Eq. ( 6.85 ), performing integration over L x
and L y , yields
! :
k x x C k y y
F lp x y
G lp .!; k / D
In situ measurements the horizontal magnetic field variations are greater than the
vertical one. As one example, we consider now the correlation function ‰ .B/
xx . L ;!/.
In fact, this correlation function describes the spatial correlation of the spectral com-
ponents ıB x . r ;!/ and ıB x . r 0 ;!/ taken at different points r and r 0 at frequency !.
For practical purposes, it is interesting to study the spectral density/power spectrum,
which is based on a single-stationed three-component magnetometer recording.
If the data for the power spectra is gathered in a single point, only autocorrelation
function is available. In this notation, substituting Eqs. ( 6.76 ), ( 6.84 ), ( 6.87 )into
Eq. ( 6.81 ), applying an inverse Bessel transform, and setting L D R R 0 D 0,
0 x y
16g 3
ǚ F xx f 2
C F xy C F yx f f C C F yy f 2
xx .0;!/ D
2kd ! k x
k x x C k y y
k 2 dk x dk y ;
In the extreme case of small correlation radii, i.e., 2d x ; y , one can find that
0 x .!/ y .!/‚.!/
256d 2
xx .!/ D .B/
xx .0;!/
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