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Magnetic Field Perturbations in the Atmosphere
and in the Solid Earth
Since there are no sources in the neutral atmosphere . d< z <0/,theULF
electromagnetic perturbations excited by the ionospheric current in the atmosphere
are described by Laplace equation ( 5.27 ). A spatial Fourier transform of this
equation is given by
@ zz b k 2
b D 0:
A vertical electric current j z flowing from the conducting ionosphere must be
zero at the boundary z D 0 and everywhere in the layer d< z <0because the
atmosphere is an insulator. Taking Ampere's law, applying a Fourier transform to
this equation, using Eq. ( 5.87 ) and the representation ( 5.7 ) of the magnetic field via
the potentials, we obtain
0 j z D . r b / z D . k ? b ? / z D k 2
A D 0;
whence it follows that A D 0 in the atmosphere including the upper boundary z D 0.
Thus the magnetic field in the atmosphere is derivable from only the potential ‰
b D k 2
? O z C i k ? @ z ‰:
Substituting Eq. ( 5.111 )for b into Eq. ( 5.109 ) yields
@ zz k 2
D 0:
The solid Earth . z < d/ is supposed to be a uniform conductor with a
constant conductivity g . The low frequency electromagnetic field in the solid
Earth is described by the quasisteady Maxwell equation ( 5.28 ). Applying a Fourier
transform to this equation, using Eq. ( 5.7 ), and rearranging, we obtain
@ zz 2 D 0;
where 2
D k 2
? i 0 g ! is the squared “wave” number/propagation factor in the
Now we need to solve Eq. ( 5.112 ) and ( 5.113 ) for the atmosphere and for the
solid Earth, respectively, and then match the solutions at the boundary z D d.The
solution of Eq. ( 5.113 ) decays at infinity . z !1 / and is
D ‰. d/ exp Œ . z C d/; .Re>0/:
The solution of Eq. ( 5.112 ) can be written as
D C C exp . k ? z / C C exp .k ? z /;
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