Geoscience Reference
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Overthrust Thrust fault with a very low angle of dip and relatively large net of displacement
Permeability coefficient The rate of water flow through a unit cross-section and under unit hydraulic gradient
Phreatic cave A cave developed by dissolution bellow the water table
Plateau An elevated level and relatively flattened land surface
Polje A flat floored depression in karst areas whose long axis is parallel to major local structural trends
Ponor Hole in the bottom of a depression where a surface water stream flows underground into the karst
Pothole Dominantly vertical cave or cave system
Precipice High vertical face of a rock
Reverse fault A fault where the hanging wall (lower block) has moved upward
Rock formation Lithostratigraphically distinct part of the lithosphere
Rupture The stage of the initial development of a fracture when instability occurs
Sedimentation The process of deposition of disintegrated rocks by water, wind, or gravitationally
Shear plane A plane along which of failure of materials occurs by shearing
Sinkhole The site where a surface water stream disappears underground
Slikenside Striated rock surface on a fault plane produced during the fault movement
Speleothem Term proposed by Moore (1952) for the unification of the secondary mineral deposits in caves
Spring, karst An emerging spring from karstified rocks
Spring, vauclusian The water rises under pressure from a vertical bedrock passage (Fontaine de Vaucluse,
Stress The average intensity of the strain applied on surface unit
Strike The azimuth of fault or joint plane
Stylolite An irregular suture-lake boundary along bedding planes in limestones. Their genesis is supposed to
be provoked by dissolution under pressure
Terra-rossa Insoluble reddish-brown soil formed by rock weathering of limestones
Thrust A gently dipping fault where the lower block is moved upward
Underground river Water flowing trough caves, caverns and galleries in underground karst systems
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