Geoscience Reference
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FIGURE 5.1 Areas of responsibility (AORs) for the PTWC (dark gray) and the WC/ATWC (light gray).
SOURCE: Government Accountability Ofice, 2010.
many Paciic rim countries (as an operational center of the Paciic Tsunami Warning
and Mitigation System [PTWS] of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
[IOC] occasioned by the 1960 Paciic-wide tsunami generated in Chile)
Indian Ocean countries (as an interim center for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning
and Mitigation System [IOTWS] of the IOC since 2005)
Caribbean countries except the U.S. commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. and
British Virgin Islands (as interim center for the Intergovernmental Coordination Group
for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and
Adjacent Regions [ICG/CARIBE EWS] since 2006)
The WC/ATWC has the following areas of responsibility (Figure 5.1):
all U.S. states except Hawaii
Canadian coastal regions
Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
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