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organizers credit the group for enabling rapid buy-in and implementation of assess-
ment tools, planning documents, education efforts, preparedness outreach, warn-
ing systems and dissemination protocols, and neighborhood mapping efforts. The
workgroup also adopted NWR “All-Hazards” Warning System, and it was instrumental
in adding a repeater to the NWR system. It also developed a new notiication system
to target the public on beaches and in high trafic areas (Crawford, 2005).
Tsunami Advisory Council for Oregon: Established in 2008 by DOGAMI, the Tsunami
Advisory Council for Oregon (TACO) is a mechanism for DOGAMI to receive advice
from a broad spectrum of coastal users (e.g., planners, elected oficials, emergency
responders) on hazard and risk assessment products and risk reduction strategies for
tsunami hazard mitigation. Current TACO efforts include the development of a state-
wide outreach strategy, community support for achieving TsunamiReady recognition,
improved evacuation route signage, presentations to public oficials and the general
public, web-posting of evacuation maps and tsunami hazard zone data, an online
mapping application to display evacuation zones and routes, and an online tsunami
information clearinghouse.
Hawaii Tsunami Technical Review Committee: Established in 1998 with fund-
ing from Hawaii State Civil Defense and the NTHMP program, the Hawaii Tsunami
Technical Review Committee (TTRC) provides a forum for reducing tsunami risk in
Hawaii and for improving coordination and information exchange among members.
TTRC subcommittees include public awareness, warning systems, technical oversight,
and zoning, codes, and guidelines. The TTRC originally met twice a year but has been
less active in recent years.
California State Tsunami Steering Committee: Established originally using National
Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) funds, the California State Tsunami
Steering Committee (STSC) exists to increase tsunami awareness, build a constituency
for tsunami risk reduction efforts in California, provide a platform for communication
and ongoing collaborations, and create state strategic plans for tsunami prepared-
ness. The STSC also serves as the mechanism for “after action” assessments of event
responses and has produced guidance for local government planning with templates,
scripts, county-level training, and table-top exercises to address integration of inunda-
tion maps and response planning.
Puerto Rico Tsunami Technical Review Committee: Established in 2004, the Puerto
Rico Tsunami Technical Review Committee (PRTTRC) focuses on tsunami hazard and
risk identiication, tsunami warning protocols, emergency management and mitiga-
tion, and public awareness. The PRTTRC is coordinated by the University of Puerto
Rico at Mayaguez as part of the Puerto Rico Tsunami Warning and Mitigation program,
which is supported by the Puerto Rico State Emergency Management Agency (Inter-
national Tsunami Information Center, 2004).
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