Geoscience Reference
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continents up to the point where they separate from the western
boundary currents, at least on longer time scales (seasonal or longer).
Modeling studies (see Figure 3.6), for which the model resolution
permits a coherent representation for the mechanisms associated with
the front, have shown the persistence of intense localized precipitation
over the Gulf Stream zones [MIN 08]. Note that this sometimes
implies deeper convection in the atmosphere, in any case during the
seasons when the surface temperatures are warmer.
Figure 3.6. Impact of the Gulf Stream on the atmosphere. A) Climatology of surface
wind convergence and the surface temperature (contours), obtained by satellite B)
Impact on precipitation: a) satellite observation, b) and c) precipitation simulated
using a general atmospheric circulation model with a good enough resolution for
describing the SST gradients (middle) or with a smoothed SST (right). From [MIN 08]
(see color section)
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