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visitors experienced “fi ve spectacular metamorphoses of the hemisphere,
which go along with a visible dynamic of change and adaptation. h
e Earth
is now telling its own story.”
h e ideology in the “Road of Solutions” was embedded in the image of
the Earth itself. h e light display was clearly reminiscent of the ceiling of the
City Being Pavilion, with its passage through time, space, and light. h e
ultimate image, the circuits that connect the “networked” globe, showed
that the solutions to environmental crises are technological rather than
moral or political.
Alongside the large globe, the audience walked down against minidis-
plays about “solutions.” h e sections on “ecotopia” were fascinating in this
regard, as was the spotlighting of ecological design projects, ranging from
the reconstruction of the New York City Highline Park to an entire eco-city
panel. h e eco-city section showed pictures of the San Francisco Treasure
Island development and the Masdar eco-city being built in the United Arab
Emirates. Dongtan was not mentioned anywhere in this section (the one
mention of a Chinese ecological city on the wetlands is Liaoning). h e sec-
tion contained a number of pictures of spray robots, green cars, and panels
extolling plans for “modern icebergs made entirely of garbage” (although
why this plan would be an environmental good was never explained).
h e content and structure of this exhibit argued that the solutions to
environmental crises were ultimately technological. h e story was about
pollution's destructiveness and how new technologies restore “balance.”
h e faith in new technologies was evident from the prominence that “bionic
forms” such as space-age green cars are given. According to one description
accompanying the fi fteen-foot-high form, “bionics are said to be derived
from the green bion and means life-like. It is the science of imitating the
special abilities of plants and animals.”
h is faith in technology to solve the environmental crisis transcends
nations and cultures. However, Triad's German origins shaped its
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