Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 7.1 A Typic
Haplocryepts (Fairbanks silt
loam) containing an ochric
epipedon (Photo by
J. Bockheim)
saturation is 52 %. From these limited data, the thickness requirement restricted
these pedons from having a mollic or umbric epipedon.
7.3 Classification of Soils with an Ochric Epipedon
The ochric epipedon is common in six soil orders: the Alfisols, Aridisols, Entisols,
Inceptisols, Oxisols, and Ultisols (Table 7.2 ). Based on the process of elimination,
approximately 56 % of the ~21,000 soil series identified in the USA may contain an
ochric epipedon.
7.4 Distribution of Soils with an Ochric Epipedon
In conterminous USA, soils containing an ochric epipedon basically occur
wherever Mollisols do not occur (Fig. 7.2 ). According to this analysis, ochric
epipedons occur in 85 % of the Alfisol soil series, 81 % of the Andisols, 100 %
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