Geoscience Reference
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USA, exclusive of US “territories,” with plinthite. Plinthite occurs in two orders, four
suborders, and five great groups, including the Ultisols and Alfisols. In the USA,
plinthite occurs under narrow environmental conditions. All of the soil series
containing plinthite occur on loamy Coastal Plain sediments. Gleization and ferralli-
tization are the dominant processes leading to the formation of plinthite.
Aide M, Pavich Z, Lilly ME, Thornton R, Kingery W (2004) Plinthite formation in the coastal
plain region of Mississippi. Soil Sci 169:613-623
Anjos LHC, Franzmeier DP, Schulze DG (1995) Formation of soils with plinthite on a
toposequence in Maranh˜o State, Brazil. Geoderma 64:257-279
Anjos LHC, Pereira MG, P ´ rez DV, Ramos DP (2007) Caracteriza¸ ˜ o e classifica¸ ˜ ode
plintossolos no mun ´ cipio de Pinheiro-Ma. R Bras Ci Solo 31:1035-1044
Blume LJ, Perkins HF, Hubbard RK (1987) Subsurface water movement in an upland coastal
plaion soil as influenced by plinthite. Soil Sci Soc Am J 51:774-779
Coelho MR, Vidal-Torrado P (2003) Caracteriza¸˜oegˆnese de perfis pl´nticos desenvolvidos de
arenito do Grupo Bauru I. Qu´mica. R Bras Ci Solo 27:483-494
Costantini EAC, Priori S (2007) Pedogenesis of plinthite during early Pliocene in the Mediterra-
nean environment case study of a buried paleosol at Poedere Renieri, central Italy. Catena
Daniels RB, Perkins HF, Hajek BF, Gamble EE (1978) Morphology of discontinuous phase
plinthite and criteria for its field identification in the southeastern United States. Soil Sci Soc
Am J 42:944-949
Fritsch E, Herbillon AJ, Nascimento NR, Grimaldi M, Melfi AJ (2007) From Plinthic Acrisols to
Plinthosols and Gleysols: iron and groundwater dynamics in the tertiary sediments of the upper
Amazon basin. Eur J Soil Sci 58:989-1006
Jacobs PM, West LT, Shaw JN (2002) Redoximorphic features as indicators of seasonal saturation,
Lowndes County. Georgia Soil Sci Soc Am J 66:315-323
Miguel P, Dalmolin RSD, Pedron FA, Fink JR, Moura-Bueno JM (2013) Caracteriza¸˜ode
plintitas e petroplintitas em solos da Depress˜o Central do Rio Grande do Sul. Ciˆncia
Rural, Santa Maria 43:999-1005
Osher LJ, Buol SW (1998) Relationship of soil properties to parent material and landscape position
in eastern Madre de Dios, Peru. Geoderma 83:143-166
Shaw JN, West LT, Truman CC, Radcliffe DE (1997) Morphologic and hydrologic properties of
soils with water restrictive horizons in the Georgia coastal plain. Soil Sci 162:875-885
Wood BW, Perkins HF (1976a) Plinthite characterization in selected southern coastal plain soils.
Soil Sci Soc Am J 40:143-146
Wood BW, Perkins HF (1976b) A field method for verifying plinthite in southern coastal plain
soils. Soil Sci 122:240-241
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