Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 23.2 Families of soil series derived from ultramafic materials
At the family level, 49 of the 67 (73 %) ultrabasic soil series are in the magnesic
mineral family; 8 have a mixed mineralogy, 5 are parasesquic, and the remaining
series are amorphic, ferruginous, or ferritic (Fig. 23.2 ). Fifty-two percent of the
serpentinitic soil series are in loamy-skeletal or clayey-skeletal particle-size clas-
ses; 62 % have a xeric soil-moisture regime; and 52 % have a mesic soil-
temperature regime (21 % thermic).
23.4 Distribution of Ultramafic Soils
The total area of ultramafic soils mapped in the USA is 3,031 km 2 (Fig. 23.3 ).
Ultramafic soils are found primarily in CA and OR, with smaller areas in WA, PR,
PA, MD, and DE. These soils occur in AK (Alexander et al. 1994a , b ) but have not
been mapped.
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