Geoscience Reference
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Rusakov A, Korkka MA, Kerzum PP, Simakova AN (2007) Paleosols in the moraine-mantle loam
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Soil Survey Staff (2010) Keys to soil taxonomy, 11th edn. USDA, National Resources Conserva-
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Solleiro-Rebolledo E, Sedov S, Gama-Castro J, Rom´n DF, Escamilla-Sarabia G (2003) Paleosol-
sedimentary sequences of the Glacis de Buenavista, central Mexico: interaction of Late
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Weisenborn BN, Schaetzl RJ (2005a) Range of fragipan expression in some Michigan soils:
I. Morphological, micromorphological, and pedogenic characterization. Soil Sci Soc Am J
Weisenborn BN, Schaetzl RJ (2005b) Range of fragipan expression in some Michigan soils: II.
A model for fragipan evolution. Soil Sci Soc Am J 69:178-187
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