Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Node ssky1l4p2 is configured for ssh user equivalency for oracle user
Node ssky1l4p3 is configured for ssh user equivalency for oracle user
Node ssky1l4p4 is configured for ssh user equivalency for oracle user
Node ssky1l4p5 is configured for ssh user equivalency for oracle user
Searching for running databases . . . . .
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Checking Status of Oracle Software Stack - Clusterware, ASM, RDBMS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oracle Stack Status
Host Name CRS Installed ASM HOME RDBMS Installed CRS UP ASM UP RDBMS UP DB Instance
ssky1l4p1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
ssky1l4p2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
ssky1l4p3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
ssky1l4p4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
ssky1l4p5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Copying plug-ins
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123 of the included audit checks require root privileged data collection . If sudo is not configured
or the root password is not available, audit checks which require root privileged data collection
can be skipped.
1. Enter 1 if you will enter root password for each host when prompted
2. Enter 2 if you have sudo configured for oracle user to execute script
3. Enter 3 to skip the root privileged collections
4. Enter 4 to exit and work with the SA to configure sudo or to arrange for root access and run the
tool later.
Please indicate your selection from one of the above options for root access[1-4][1]:- 1
*** Checking Best Practice Recommendations (PASS/WARNING/FAIL) ***
Collections and audit checks log file is
Running orachk in serial mode because expect(/usr/bin/expect) is not available to supply root
passwords on remote nodes
NOTICE: Installing the expect utility (/usr/bin/expect) will allow orachk to gather root passwords
at the beginning of the process and execute orachk on all nodes in parallel speeding up the entire
process. For more info - . Expect is available for all major
platforms. See User Guide for more details.
Checking for prompts in /home/oracle/.bash_profile on ssky1l4p1 for oracle user...
Checking for prompts in /home/oracle/.bash_profile on ssky1l4p2 for oracle user...
Checking for prompts in /home/oracle/.bash_profile on ssky1l4p3 for oracle user...
Checking for prompts in /home/oracle/.bash_profile on ssky1l4p4 for oracle user...
Checking for prompts in /home/oracle/.bash_profile on ssky1l4p5 for oracle user...
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