Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Configuration of ONS involves registering all nodes and servers that will communicate with the ONS daemon on
the database server. During GI installation, all nodes participating in the cluster are automatically registered with the
ONS. Subsequently, during restart of the Clusterware, ONS will register all nodes with the respective ONS processes
on other nodes in the cluster.
To add additional members or nodes that should receive notifications, the hostname or IP address of the node
should be added to the ons.config file or the OCR file. The configuration file is located in the $GRID_HOME/opmn/conf
directory and carries the following format:
[oracle@ssky1l1p1 ~]$ more /u01/app/
localport=6100 # line added by Agent
remoteport=6200 # line added by Agent
nodes=ssky1l1p1:6200,ssky1l1p2:6200 # line added by Agent
[oracle@ssky1l1p1 ~]$
The localport is the port that ONS binds to on the local host interface to talk to local clients. The remoteport is
the port that ONS binds to on all interfaces for talking to other ONS daemons. The logcomp parameter specifies the
ONS components to log. The format is as follows:
For example, to enable logging of all components with SSL operational information:
The logcomp parameter replaces the loglevel parameter that existed in the earlier versions. Here is a list of
components that could be logged. In the format for logcomp just mentioned, the valid values for components are:
If the component is internal , then there are no valid values for a subcomponent. However, if the component is
specified as ons , then the following values could be used for subcomponents:
all : Specifies all messages
ons : ONS local information
listener : ONS listener information
discover : ONS discover (server or multicast) information
servers : ONS remote servers currently up and connected to the cluster
topology : ONS current cluster-wide server connection topology
server : ONS remote server connection information
client : ONS client connection information
connect : ONS generic connection information
subscribe : ONS client subscription information
message : ONS notification receiving and processing information
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