Database Reference
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2010-11-29 15:06:10.319979*:
* kjurn[1] = x10
2010-11-29 15:06:10.319979*:
* kjurn[2] = x5f015649
SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS '10432 trace name context off';
In this chapter, we looked at the global cache architecture and global cache management parts of the RAC
environment. We also discussed the various hot spots and areas that should be monitored and looked at in
detail when performance becomes a concern in a RAC environment. It's a common myth between the DBAs and
management to credit the entire reason behind slow performance in a RAC environment to the cluster interconnect,
which is not the usual reason. Interconnect is not always the problem, but the primary reasons are poorly written
SQL statements and using servers that are not sized correctly for the workload. To understand the root cause of the
performance issue, it is important to break the entire process into prepare and transfer phases.
We also looked at other common issues faced by users in a RAC environment and how to monitor and troubleshoot.
Global cache is a primary focus area in a RAC environment. This chapter is not complete because of the relationship
of global cache to other components of the cluster. This is discussed in the appropriate chapters of this topic.
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