Database Reference
In-Depth Information
CSS recovery timeout = 31 sec (Total CSS waittime = 65)
IMR Reconfig timeout = 75 sec
CGS rcfg timeout = 85 sec
kjxgmmeminfo: can not invalidate inst 3
2014-04-02 22:23:22.939618 :
Reconfiguration started (old inc 4, new inc 6)
Local health check timeout: 70 sec
Rcfg process freeze timeout: 70 sec
Remote health check timeout: 140 sec
Defer Queue timeout: 163 secs
CGS rcfg timeout: 85 sec
Synchronization timeout: 248 sec
DLM rcfg timeout: 744 sec
List of instances:
1 (myinst: 1)
2014-04-02 22:23:22.943798 : * Begin lmon rcfg step KJGA_RCFG_FREEZE
* kjfc_pub_bigns: previous MM mode, no change unless there is a rora requester (MM->SM)
* dead instance detected - domain 0 invalid = TRUE
2014-04-02 22:23:23.026708 :
2014-04-02 22:23:23.026750 : Post SMON to start 1st pass IR
2014-04-02 22:23:23.043695 : Submitted all GCS cache requests
2014-04-02 22:23:23.043950 : * Begin lmon rcfg step KJGA_RCFG_FIXWRITES
2014-04-02 22:23:23.066174 :
Reconfiguration complete (total time 0.1 secs)
* DOMAIN MAPPINGS after Reconfiguration :
* DOMAIN 0 (valid 0): 1
* End of domain mappings
*** 2014-04-02 22:24:23.130
kjfmPriCheckAllowed: this is the only instance of this DB
kjfmPriCheckAllowed: instance must lower LMS priorities
kjfmPriCheck: # of real time LMS decreasing from 1 to 0
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