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the seaweeds, red algae have been the major
producer of bioactive secondary metabolites.
Isolation of polysaccharides and other com-
pounds with antiviral activity against enveloped
viruses increased interest in algae as a source of
antiviral compounds; subsequently, polysaccha-
rides from extracts of red algae were to inhibit
herpes simplex virus (HSV) and other viruses.
Extracts from the California red algae Schizymenia
pacifica contained a sulfated polysaccharide
in the r-carrageenan family, which selectively
inhibited HIV reverse transcriptase (Iwashima
et al. 1999 ).
et al. ( 2013 ). An antitumor activity was tested
on the different fraction of red alga Porphyra
telfairiae . It was shown that the petroleum ether
fraction showed an obvious inhibition effect on
Sarconema 180 (S sub (180)), hepatic carcinoma
(hep A), and enrich carcinoma (ECA) under the
dose-dependent relation in the range of 125-
500 mg kg −1 , whereas the inhibitory effects on
tumor did not affect the increase of the body
weight of mice. In addition, the petroleum
fraction showed some cell toxicity HeLa cells
and HL-60 cells. The chloroform and butanol
fraction had a less effect compared with the
petroleum ether fraction and water fractions and
strong activity. Five compounds were isolated
from petroleum ether fraction, and structures of
four were elucidated as beta-sitosterol, stearic
acid, Tetra triacontanol stearate, and beta-
sitosterol palmitate on the basis of chemical and
spectral evidence.
Medicinal Values of Red Algae
Alsidium helminthocorton , Digenea simplex ,
and Corallina offi cinalis - vermifuge
Chondrus crispus and Gigartina stellata -
cough, chest, and stomach ailments
Porphyra sp. and Palmaria palmata
Sulfated Polysaccharides
from Seaweeds
Medicinal Values
of Brown Algae
Fucan, a family of sulfated polysaccharides
present in brown seaweeds, has several biolog-
ical activities. Their use as drugs would offer
the advantage of no potential risk of contami-
nation with viruses or particles such as prions.
A fucan prepared from Spatoglossum schro-
ederi was tested as a possible inhibitor of cell-
matrix interactions using wild-type Chinese
hamster ovary cells (Cho-k1) and the mutant
type defi cient in xylosyltransferase (Cho-745).
The effi cient polymer on adhesion properties
with specifi c extracellular matrix components
was studied using several matrix proteins as
substrates for cell attachment treatment with
the polymer inhibiting the adhesion of fi bro-
nectin to both Cho-k1 (2 × 10.) and Cho-745
(2 × 10.) and 5 × 10. cells. No effect was
detected with laminin using the cell types. On
the other hand, adhesion to vitronectin was
inhibited in Cho-k1 cells and adhesion to type
-1 collagen was inhibited. The fucan did not
affect either cell proliferation or cell cycle
(Rocha et al. 2001 ).
Fucus vesiculosus - scrofula
Fucus evanescens - stomach ailments
Laminaria and other kelps - iodine source
(cures goiter), stipes used to open wounds and
in cervical dilation
Medicinal Values
of Green Algae
Ulva spp. - burn treatment
Acetabularia major - bladder and kidney
Antitumor Activity
of Seaweeds
The anticancer property of different types of
marine algae was extensively reviewed by Lee
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