Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
3. Lack of a “deep bench” of scientists and engi-
neers with experience in developing green
nanotechnology. The impact of this situation
is mostly apparent in small and large indus-
trial fi rms.
4. Need for constant development and updating
of toxicology and analysis protocols to refl ect
advances in science. There is also a need to
develop in-line process analytical and control
techniques for full-scale manufacturing oper-
ations by involvement from academic
5. Regulatory uncertainty persists, and green
nanotechnologies often face higher regulatory
barriers than existing or conventional chemi-
cals. This affects small and large industrial
fi rms as they attempt to move green nanotech-
nologies into the market.
6. The end-market demand is unclear, especially
since there are only a limited number of com-
mercial grade products that can be compared
to conventional materials in terms of
developers to support greener nanomaterial
development and production.
5. Defi nition of green criteria for new nanomate-
rials for fast-track approval by the US
Environmental Protection Agency that dem-
onstrates benefi ts over existing materials in
market and possesses no hazard.
6. Education and outreach to regulators to ensure
regulatory structures for green nanotechnol-
ogy refl ect accurate knowledge of their
intended users and potential impacts.
Green nanotechnology is indeed an eco-friendly
alternative for production of nanotechnology
products for sustainable development of envi-
ronment by provision of solutions to tackle the
ever-expanding environmental issues like envi-
ronmental degradation, depletion of natural
resources, water and air pollution, and after-
maths of various other kinds of pollutions. The
barriers need to be overcome by the right
actions. This will be possible only by constant
cooperation with a team comprising experts
from multiple disciplines or rather various areas
including science, commerce, and statistics that
come up with solutions covering wide areas and
problems that need to be addressed. If the sug-
gestions that come up from such a discussion
are rightly followed and literally put into practi-
cal action, then this potential fi eld is sure to
come up as the answer to all major environmen-
tal issues and thereby the future of tomorrow in
a sustainable way.
Actions to Be Taken
to Overcome the Barriers
(ACS 2011 )
1. Discover, uncover, and provide key analysis
and characterization tools. Reduce analysis
2. Develop, characterize, and test precision-
engineered nanoparticles for biological and
toxicological studies needed to guide greener
design. Develop reference libraries that pro-
vide the relevant data required and provide
them to groups that need them for testing and
also hypotheses that help in redesign of mate-
rials that are greener.
3. Investigate and understand reaction mecha-
nisms to support more effi cient and precise
synthesis and production techniques. Screen
for barriers and develop design guidelines for
ACS (2011) Green Nanotechnology Challenges and
Opportunities. A white paper addressing the critical
challenges to advancing greener nanotechnology
issued by the ACS Green Chemistry Institute® in part-
nership with the Oregon Nanoscience and
Microtechnologies Institute.
Ahmad A, Senapati S, Khan MI, Kumar R, Sastry M
(2003a) Extracellular biosynthesis of monodisperse
gold nanoparticles by a novel extremophilic actinomy-
cete, Thermomonospora sp. Langmuir 19:3550-3553
4. Develop design guidelines for green nanoma-
terials for early stage researchers and material
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