Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Mycorrhizal Plants' Accelerated
Revegetation on Coal Mine
Overburden in the Dry Steppes
of Kazakhstan
D. V. Veselkin , A. N. Kupriynanov , Ju. A. Manakov ,
A. A. Betekhtina , and M. N. V. Prasad
Coal mine (Fedorovsky open-pit mine) overburden of Karaganda,
Kazakhstan, is characterized by plants associated with mycorrhizae. This
is a long-term work that was carried out methodically in 1978, 1980, 1990,
and 2006 in different parts of overburden rocks of Karaganda, Kazakhstan.
During the process of development of vegetation on the overburden rocks,
there has been an increase in the composition of obligate species associ-
ated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. The proportion of non-mycorrhi-
zal species declined gradually. Phytosociologic investigation of these
plant communities over a range of period made it possible to estimate the
rate of changes in the ratio of plants of different mycorrhizal groups.
Despite the fact that the total number and species composition gradually
changed, different mycorrhizal species stabilized after the early succes-
sion (5 years). The ecto- and endomycorrhizal fungi enhanced growth of
the three woody species on these overburden sites.
Mycorrhizas ￿ Herbs ￿ Mycorrhizal ￿ Non-mycorrhizal ￿ Early succession
￿ Vegetation dynamics
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