Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Development of PV materials, devices and
The Sahara Solar Breeder
(SSB) Project
PV application such as desalination, green
innovation in desert
Goals of SSB
Personal movement between Algeria and
The goals of SSB towards sustainable develop-
ment are founded on four pillars:
￿ Starting from basic research and development
￿ Coupling PV with high-critical-temperature
superconducting cables (HT c SC) for clean
Components of the Sahara
Solar Breeder (SSB) Project
The most important objectives of SSB's energy
policy and its portfolio include fi ve basic
￿ Basic, applied, practical research and develop-
ment in Japan, North Africa, the Middle East,
Africa and other regions of the world
￿ Industrial production of silicon from sand
￿ Industrial production of cells, modules, panels
and other PV devices
￿ Building, operating, networking and monitor-
ing very large scale photovoltaic power sta-
tions (VLS-PVPS)
￿ Environment monitoring and gradual imple-
mentation of SSB
One of the strengths of PV is found in its
decentralised applications. This is particularly
true for supplying isolated consumers in areas of
low population density where the demand con-
sists essentially of satisfying basic energy
requirements. Other notable characteristics of
PV are:
￿ Modular design enabling it to be extended
according to need
￿ The possibility of developing small businesses
in areas of low economic development
￿ Protection of the environment
￿ Limited capital assets capable of being used
fl exibly and in a decentralised way and of
being moved about over longer periods of
The developing strategy, by the SSB project,
has been elaborated to promote the dissemination
of renewable energies on sites where they are
profi table compared to classical energies and to
guide scientifi c research efforts in order to allow
generalisation of renewable energy via mass pro-
duction. The aims to be achieved consist of the
￿ Science and technology education and train-
ing for African people
Solving global crisis by international coopera-
tion and policy
Strategies of SSB
The three basic strategies of the Sahara Solar
Energy Research Center (SSERC) programmes
and indicative targets are based on the following
￿ Innovation processes for solar silicon with a
focus on using Sahara sands; the following
objectives have been selected:
- Purifi cation of silica sand by a
thermodynamics-based process designed
in Tokyo and Nihon universities
- Reduction of silica sand by carbothermal
(Hirosaki University) and plasma (National
Institute for Materials Science, NIMS)
- Technology transfer to University of
Science and Technology of Oron (USTO)
￿ Quantitative data collection for installation of
PV and HT c SC systems: the following objec-
tives have been selected:
- PV system installation at Saida site
- Data collection for DC power transmission
through desert environment
￿ Education and training on energy problems
and sustainable development; the following
objectives have been selected:
Installation of WebEl system at USTO and
Saida universities
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