Biology Reference
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Figure 9.5. Contribution of endemic species of reef fish (open circles) and species from
the Center of Diversity (IPR) (filled circles) in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The
number of IPR (Indonesian-Philippines Region) species in communities that can be
expected by chance was assessed by determining the number of IPR species in
communities (of the same size as observed) randomly generated from the total species
pool. Species were selectedwith equal probability andwithout replacement. Upper and
lower limits of the number of species from the IPR in 1000 iterations are indicated by
the broken lines. Note that only about 2% of species were endemics in any community,
i.e., very few species are generated in communities away from the center, much less than
expected by chance. Reprinted from Nature (Mora, C., Chittaro, P.M., Sale, P. F.,
Kritzer, J. P. and Ludsin, S. A. Patterns and processes in reef fish diversity. Nature 42,
933-936) 2003 , with the permission of MacMillan Publishing Ltd., and the authors.
number of endemics, the reason being that reef fishes (as well as corals)
have strongly skewed range distributions. Many species are widespread
and the largest ranges overlap, generating peaks in species diversity near
the equator and in the Southeast Asian center of diversity.
Scombrid fishes and their ectoparasites: geographical distribution
is determined by centers of diversity and oceanic barriers
Using extensive taxonomic revisions of all 18 species of Scomberomorus
and 2 species of Grammatorcynus (Scombridae), their 23 copepod and
17 monogenean species, and their geographical distribution, Rohde and
Hayward ( 2000 ) have shown that the East Pacific barrier has been the most
effective barrier for dispersal of these fishes and parasites, and that the
American land barrier has been less effective (Figures 9.6 and 9.7 ) .
Reasons are that species could spread between the Indo-West Pacific and
Atlantic via the Tethys Sea, and between the western Atlantic and eastern
Pacific before the Central American landbridge was established, whereas
the eastern Pacific has always been an effective barrier to dispersal, even
more so in the geologic past than at present. This led to significant
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