Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7.3. Predictions for the relationship between annual rainfall (bottom), pasture
biomass (middle) and kangaroo densities (top) over a 100-year period, using a model
developed on the basis of long-term empirical studies. Slight changes in the
assumptions do not lead to fundamentally different predictions. From Caughley
( 1987b ). In: Caughley, Shepherd, and Short, eds., 1987 . Reprinted by permission
of Cambridge University Press.
density is determined not by present conditions but by previous biomass,
which again is the result of earlier rainfall.
Caughley ( 1987b ) discusses the question of how kangaroo populations
are ''regulated.'' At first glance, it seems that populations are not regulated,
because of the irregular fluctuations in density, dependent on pasture
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