Java Reference
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current =;
} = new ListNode(value,;
Yet another variation is to set prev equal to null initially in order to eliminate the
special case for the front of the list. Then you have to test after the loop to see
whether prev is still null :
public void addSorted(int value) {
ListNode prev = null;
ListNode current = front;
while (current != null && < value) {
prev = current;
current =;
if (prev == null) {
front = new ListNode(value, front);
} else { = new ListNode(value,;
16.4 An IntList Interface
The ArrayIntList class from Chapter 15 and the LinkedIntList class we have
explored in this chapter have very similar methods. They each have the following
•a size method
•a get method
•a toString method
• an indexOf method
• a one-argument add method (the appending add)
• a two-argument add method (add at an index)
•a remove method (remove at an index)
This similarity isn't an accident. When we began studying linked lists, we pur-
posely implemented new versions of these methods that worked for linked lists. The
point is that these classes are similar in terms of what they can do but they are very
different in the way that they do it.
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