Java Reference
In-Depth Information
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index: " + index);
This private method will properly throw an exception for get and remove . It isn't
quite the right test to use for the add method that takes an index as a parameter,
because add has a slightly different precondition than the other methods. Normally, it
doesn't make sense to refer to a value at index size because that index is beyond the
last value stored in the list. For example, if the list stores 10 values, then you don't
want to call get or remove for a nonexistent value at index 10. But for add , it makes
sense to refer to this index. If there are currently 10 values in the list, then you would
be allowed to add a new value at index 10 because it is a new value not currently in
the list. Instead of calling the private method, the add method will have its own code
for checking the index and throwing an IndexOutOfBoundsException .
There is a further benefit to adding all of this code to throw exceptions: Adding the
code will ensure that your object is never in a corrupt state. It will always satisfy certain
data invariants. (Data invariants were described in Chapter 8.) In particular, you know that
size <= elementData.length always (your calls on checkCapacity make
sure of that)
the array elements that you examine are always in the range of 0 to size - 1
(your calls on checkIndex make sure of that)
your code will never generate an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
It is extremely useful to know that your class will always satisfy these constraints.
This knowledge is an added benefit of encapsulation. If a client could reach in
and change the size or elementData fields, then you couldn't make these kind of
Convenience Methods
The built-in ArrayList<E> class has many other methods besides the ones we have
implemented so far, so it makes sense to go ahead and add some of those methods to
your ArrayIntList class. These methods are largely for the convenience of the client,
since you could achieve the same functionality by calling existing methods on the list.
Your class has a method called indexOf that can be used to search for the location
of a value in the list. Sometimes, though, a client just wants to ask the simpler question
of whether a particular value appears in the list somewhere. The convention in Java is to
use a method called contains for this purpose. It has a boolean return type:
public boolean contains(int value) {
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