Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 13
Searching and Sorting
13.1 Searching and Sorting in
the Java Class Libraries
When you are dealing with large amounts of data, you'll often want to
search the data for particular values. For example, you might want to
search the Internet for a web page that contains a certain keyword, or
you might want to search a phone book for a person's phone number.
Binary Search
Custom Ordering with
It's also useful to be able to rearrange a collection of data into sorted
order. For example, you might want to sort a list of students' course
grade data by name, student ID, or grade.
13.2 Program Complexity
Empirical Analysis
Complexity Classes
13.3 Implementing Searching
and Sorting Algorithms
In this chapter we'll look at ways to use Java's class libraries to search and
sort data.We'll practice implementing some searching and sorting algo-
rithms and talk more generally about how to observe and analyze the
runtimes of algorithms.
Sequential Search
Binary Search
Recursive Binary Search
Searching Objects
Selection Sort
13.4 Case Study: Implementing
Merge Sort
Splitting and Merging Arrays
Recursive Merge Sort
Complete Program
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Custom Search