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The method we want to write will look like the following:
// pre : y >= 0
// post: returns x y
public static int pow(int x, int y) {
We could obviously solve this problem by writing a loop, but we want to explore
how to write the method recursively. Again, we should start by thinking about differ-
ent cases. What would be the easiest exponent to compute? It's pretty easy to com-
pute x 1 , so that's a good candidate, but there is an even more basic case. The simplest
possible exponent is 0. By definition, any integer to the 0 power is considered to be 1.
So we can begin our solution with the following code:
public static int pow(int x, int y) {
if (y == 0) {
// base case with y == 0
return 1;
} else {
// recursive case with y > 0
In the recursive case we know that y is greater than 0 . In other words, there will be
at least one factor of x in the result. We know from mathematics that
x y = x
x y -1
This equation expresses x to the y power in terms of x to a smaller power, (y - 1) .
Therefore, it can serve as our recursive case. All we have to do is to translate it into its
Java equivalent:
public static int pow(int x, int y) {
if (y == 0) {
// base case with y == 0
return 1;
} else {
// recursive case with y > 0
return x * pow(x, y - 1);
This is a complete recursive solution. Tracing the execution of a recursive function
is a little more difficult than using a void method, because we have to keep track of
the values that are returned by each recursive call. The following is a trace of execu-
tion showing how we would compute 3 5 :
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