Java Reference
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Table 11.5
Useful Methods of Maps
Removes all keys and values from a map
Returns true if the given key maps to some value in this map
Returns true if some key maps to the given value in this map
Returns the value associated with this key, or null if not found
Returns true if this collection contains no keys or values
Returns a Set of all keys in this map
Associates the given key with the given value
put(key, value)
Adds all key/value mappings from the given map to this map
Removes the given key and its associated value from this map
Returns the number of key/value mappings in this map
Returns a Collection of all values in this map
Map Views ( keySet and values )
Unlike most collections, a map doesn't have an iterator method, because it wouldn't
be clear what you wanted to examine. The keys? The values? Both? Instead, maps
have a pair of methods called keySet and values that respectively return a Set of
all keys in the map and a Collection of all values in the map. These are sometimes
called collection views of a map because each is a collection that exists conceptually
within the map.
For example, consider a map that associates people's social security numbers with
their names. In other words, the map's keys are nine-digit social security numbers
and its values are names. We could create the map with the following code:
Map<Integer, String> ssnMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
ssnMap.put(867530912, "Jenny");
ssnMap.put(239876305, "Stuart Reges");
ssnMap.put(504386382, "Marty Stepp");
If we wanted to write a loop that printed the social security numbers of every
person in the map, we could then call the keySet method on the map. This method
returns a Set containing every key from the hash tableā€”in this case, every int for
a person's number. If you store the keySet in a variable, you should declare that
variable as type Set , with the type of the map's keys between the < and > brackets:
Set<Integer> ssnSet = ssnMap.keySet();
for (int ssn : ssnSet) {
System.out.println("SSN: " + ssn);
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