Java Reference
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12 // returns the area of this rectangle
13 public double getArea() {
14 return width * height;
15 }
17 // returns the perimeter of this rectangle
18 public double getPerimeter() {
19 return 2.0 * (width + height);
20 }
21 }
The other classes of shapes are implemented in a similar fashion. We'll define a
Circle object to have a field called radius . (We'll abandon the center Point object
used in the Circle class earlier in the chapter, since we don't need it here.) We can
determine the area by multiplying
by the radius squared. To find the perimeter, we'll
use the equation 2 *
* r . Notice that there is no common code between Circle
and Rectangle , so inheritance is unnecessary. Here is the complete Circle class:
1 // Represents circular shapes.
2 public class Circle implements Shape {
3 private double radius;
5 // constructs a new circle with the given radius
6 public Circle( double radius) {
7 this .radius = radius;
8 }
10 // returns the area of this circle
11 public double getArea() {
12 return Math.PI * radius * radius;
13 }
15 // returns the perimeter of this circle
16 public double getPerimeter() {
17 return 2.0 * Math.PI * radius;
18 }
19 }
Finally, we'll specify a triangle's shape by its three side lengths, a , b , and c.
The perimeter of the triangle is simply the sum of the three side lengths. The
getArea method is a bit trickier, but there is a useful geometric formula called
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