Java Reference
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The toString Method
The designers of Java felt that it was important for all types of values to work well
with String s. You've seen that you can concatenate String s with any other type of
value, such as primitive int s or other objects. Consider the following code:
int i = 42;
String s = "hello";
Point p = new Point();
System.out.println("i is " + i);
System.out.println("s is " + s);
System.out.println("p is " + p);
Using the Point class that we've written so far, the preceding code produces out-
put like the following:
i is 42
s is hello
p is Point@119c082
Notice that printing p generated a strange result. We'd rather have it print the
object's state of (0, 0), but Java doesn't know how to do so unless we write a special
method in our Point class.
When a Java program is printing an object or concatenating it with a String , the
program calls a special method called toString on the object to convert it into a
String . The toString method is an instance method that returns a String repre-
sentation of the object. A toString method accepts no parameters and has a String
return type:
public String toString() {
<code to produce and return the desired string>;
If you don't write a toString method in your class, your class will use a default
version that returns the class name followed by an @ sign and some letters and num-
bers related to the object's address in memory. If you define your own toString
method, it replaces this default version.
The following code implements a toString method for our Point objects and
returns a String such as "(0, 0)" :
// returns a String representation of this point
public String toString() {
return "(" + x + ", " + y + ")";
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