Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 4.4
Differences between char and String
Type of value
Memory usage
2 bytes
depends on length
length , toUpperCase , . . .
Number of letters
exactly 1
0 to many
Surrounded by
apostrophes: 'c'
quotes: "Str"
< , >= , == , . . .
It is also legal to create a char value that represents an escape sequence:
char newline = '\n';
In the previous chapter we discussed String objects. The distinction between
char and String is a subtle one that confuses many new Java programmers. The
main difference is that a String is an object, but a char is a primitive value. A char
occupies a very small amount of memory, but it has no methods. Table 4.4 summa-
rizes several of the differences between the types.
Why does Java have two types for such similar data? The char type exists primar-
ily for historical reasons; it dates back to older languages such as C that influenced
the design of Java.
So why would a person ever use the char type when String is available? It's
often necessary to use char because some methods in Java's API use it as a parame-
ter or return type. But there are also a few cases in which using char can be more
useful or simpler than using String .
The characters of a String are stored inside the object as values of type char .
You can access the individual characters through the object's charAt method, which
accepts an integer index as a parameter and returns the character at that index. We
often loop over a string to examine or change its characters. For example, the follow-
ing method prints each character of a string on its own line:
public static void printVertical(String message) {
for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++) {
char ch = message.charAt(i);
char versus int
Values of type char are stored internally as 16-bit integers. A standard encoding
scheme called Unicode determines which integer value represents each character.
(Unicode will be covered in more detail later in this chapter.) Since characters are
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