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should produce the following output:
If the maximum passed is less than the minimum, the method produces no output.
5. Write a method called printGrid that accepts two integers representing a number of rows and columns and prints a
grid of integers from 1 to (rows * columns) in column major order. For example, the call
printGrid(4, 6);
should produce the following output:
1 5 9 13 17 21
2 6 10 14 18 22
3 7 11 15 19 23
4 8 12 16 20 24
6. Write a method called largerAbsVal that takes two integers as parameters and returns the larger of the two absolute
values. A call of largerAbsVal(11, 2) would return 11 , and a call of largerAbsVal(4, -5) would return 5 .
7. Write a variation of the largestAbsVal method from the last exercise that takes three integers as parameters and
returns the largest of their three absolute values. For example, a call of largestAbsVal(7, -2, -11) would
return 11 , and a call of largestAbsVal( 4, 5, 2) would return 5 .
8. Write a method called quadratic that solves quadratic equations and prints their roots. Recall that a quadratic equa-
tion is a polynomial equation in terms of a variable x of the form ax 2
0. The formula for solving a quad-
ratic equation is
b 2
; 2
4 ac
2 a
Here are some example equations and their roots:
x 2
7 x
12: x
4, x
x 2
3 x
2: x
2, x
Your method should accept the coefficients a , b , and c as parameters and should print the roots of the equation. You
may assume that the equation has two real roots, though mathematically this is not always the case.
9. Write a method called distance that accepts four integer coordinates x 1 , y 1 , x 2 , and y 2 as parameters and computes
the distance between points ( x 1 , y 1 ) and ( x 2 , y 2 ) on the Cartesian plane. The equation for the distance is
x 1 ) 2
y 1 ) 2
= 2
( x 2 -
( y 2 -
For example, the call of distance(1, 0, 4, 4) would return 5.0 and the call of distance(10, 2, 3, 5)
would return 14.7648230602334 .
10. Write a method called scientific that accepts a real number base and an exponent as parameters and computes the
base times 10 to the exponent, as seen in scientific notation. For example, the call of scientific(6.23, 5) would
return 623000.0 and the call of scientific(1.9, -2) would return 0.019 .
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