Java Reference
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d. str2.toUpperCase()
e. str1.substring(2, 4)
f. str2.substring(10, 14)
g. str1.indexOf("D")
h. str1.indexOf(".")
i. str2.indexOf("donkey")
j. str3.indexOf("X")
k. str2 + str3.charAt(17)
l. str3.substring(9, str3.indexOf("e"))
m. str3.substring(7, 12)
n. str2.toLowerCase().substring(9, 13) + str3.substring(18, str3.length() - 7)
15. Consider the following String :
String quote = "Four score and seven years ago";
What expression produces the new String "SCORE" ? What expression produces "four years" ?
16. In a program reading user input by means of a Scanner , the user types the following line of input:
Hello there. 1+2 is 3 and 1.5 squared is 2.25!
Into how many tokens will this line be split? What is each token?
17. Consider the following code fragment:
Scanner console = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("How much money do you have? ");
double money = console.nextDouble();
Describe what will happen when the user types each of the following values. If the code will run successfully, describe
the value that will be stored in the variable money .
a. 34.50
b. 6
c. $25.00
d. million
e. 100*5
f. 600,000
g. none
h. 645
18. Write Java code to read an integer from the user, then print that number multiplied by 2. You may assume that the user
types a valid integer.
19. Write Java code that prompts the user for a phrase and a number of times to repeat it, then prints the phrase the
requested number of times. Here is an example dialogue with the user:
What is your phrase? His name is Robert Paulson.
How many times should I repeat it? 3
His name is Robert Paulson.
His name is Robert Paulson.
His name is Robert Paulson.
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