Java Reference
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often avoid packages because they can make it harder to compile the entire project
successfully. More sophisticated Java editors such as Eclipse or NetBeans handle
packages better and usually provide a one-click button for compiling and executing
all of the packages of a project.
Protected and Default Access
In Chapter 8's discussion of encapsulation we learned about two kinds of access:
private (visible only to one class) and public (visible to all classes). In general,
you should follow the convention shown in this topic of declaring all fields private
and most methods public (other than internal helper methods). But Java has two
other levels of access:
protected access:
Visible to this class and all of its subclasses, as well as to all classes in the same
package as this class.
default (package) access:
Visible to all classes in the same package as this class.
Some programmers prefer to declare their fields as protected when writing
classes that are part of an inheritance hierarchy. This declaration provides a relaxed
level of encapsulation, because subclasses can directly access protected fields rather
than having to go through accessor or mutator methods. For example, if a subclass
DividendStock chose to extend the following Stock class, it would be able to
directly get or set its symbol or shares field values:
public class Stock {
protected String symbol;
protected int shares;
The downside is that any class in the same package can also access the fields,
which is generally discouraged. A compromise recommended by Joshua Bloch,
author of Effective Java , is to give subclasses access to private data through protected
methods instead of protected fields. This gives the class author the freedom to change
the implementation of the class later if necessary.
Default access is given to a field when it has no access modifier in front of its dec-
laration, such as in the initial versions of our Point class in Chapter 8 (prior to prop-
erly encapsulating it). A field or method with default access can be directly accessed
by any class in the same package. We generally discourage the use of default access
in most situations, since it can needlessly violate the encapsulation of the object.
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