Java Reference
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Ternary Operator ? :
Java has a ternary operator that allows you to choose between two expressions based
on the value of a boolean test. (“Ternary” means “having three sections.”) Think of
it as an abbreviated form of an if/else statement, except that an if/else chooses
between two blocks of statements, while a ternary expression chooses between two
expressions or values:
<test> ? <expression1> : <expression2>
A ternary expression is most useful when you want to assign a variable one of two
values, or when you want to pass one of two values as a parameter or return value.
For example:
// if d > 10.0, set x to 5; else set x to 2
double d = ...;
int x = d > 10.0 ? 5 : 2;
// e.g. "I have 3 buddies" or "I have 1 buddy"
int pals = ...;
String msg = "I have " + pals + " " + (pals == 1 ? "buddy" :
// Returns the larger of a and b
public static int max(int a, int b) {
return (a > b) ? a : b;
Exiting a Loop: break and continue
Java has a statement called break that will immediately exit a while , do/while ,or
for loop. One common usage of break is to write a loop that performs its exit test in
the middle of each iteration rather than at the start or end. The common template is to
form what appears to be an infinite loop:
while (true) {
<statement> ;
if ( <test> ) {
<statement> ;
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