Java Reference
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private int min(IntTreeNode root) {
if (root.left == null) {
} else {
return min(root.left);
// max is written in the same fashion, but with 'max' and
// 'right' in place of 'min' and 'left'.
26. When we are converting the tree to store type E , we must add a type parameter to
the class header. This parameter must be Comparable . When we are examining
whether a given element is too small or large (whether to go left or right recur-
sively) in methods such as add or contains , we must call compareTo instead of
using the < and > operators that do not work with objects.
27. To add a tree iterator, our nodes would need to have references to their parents so
that the iterator could go back up the tree as necessary when traversing through the
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