Java Reference
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5. The file name String should use / or \\ instead of \ . The \ is used to create
escape sequences, and \\ represents a literal backslash. The correct String is
Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("C:/temp/new
6. (a) "numbers.dat" or "C:/Documents and Settings/amanda/
My Documents/numbers.dat" .
(b) "data/homework6/input.dat" or "C:/Documents and Settings/
amanda/My Documents/programs/data/homework6/input.dat" .
(c) There is only one legal way to refer to this file: by its absolute path,
"C:/Documents and Settings/amanda/My Documents/homework/
data.txt" .
7. (a) "names.txt" or "/home/amanda/Documents/hw6/names.txt" .
(b) "data/numbers.txt" or "/home/amanda/Documents/hw6/data/
numbers.txt" .
(c) There is only one legal way to refer to this file: by its absolute path,
"/home/amanda/download/saved.html" .
8. input: 6.7 This file has
input: several input lines.
input: 10 20 30 40
input: test
6 total
9. input: 6.7
input: This
input: file
input: has
input: several
input: input
input: lines.
input: 10
input: 20
input: 30
input: 40
input: test
12 total
Using hasNextInt and nextInt :
0 total
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