Java Reference
In-Depth Information
19. public static boolean hasPennies(int cents) {
return cents % 5 != 0;
20. Method call
Value returned
mystery(3, 3)
mystery(5, 3)
mystery(2, 6)
mystery(12, 18)
mystery(30, 75)
21. The code will get stuck in an infinite loop when the current date is the end of a leap
year. On December 31 the days value will be 366, so code enters the if
(isLeapYear) statement but does not enter the if (days > 366) statement. So
the loop does not subtract any days and never terminates. The code can be fixed by
adding a break statement to the loop (see Appendix D):
int days = getTotalDaysSince1980();
year = 1980;
while (days > 365) { // subtract out years
if (isLeapYear(year)) {
if (days > 366) {
days -= 366;
year += 1;
} else { //
break; // new code here
} //
} else {
days -= 365;
year += 1;
22. (a) !b
(b) (x <= y) || (y <= z)
(c) (x != y) && (x > z)
(d) (x % 2 == 0) || !b
(e) (x / 2 != 13) && !b && (z * 3 != 96)
(f) (z >= x) || (z <= y && x < y)
23. The code should reprompt for a valid integer for the user's age and a valid real
number for the user's GPA. If the user types a token of the wrong type, the line of
input should be consumed and the user should be reprompted.
The following code implements the corrected behavior:
Scanner console = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Type your age: ");
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