Java Reference
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7. Last digit: number % 10
8. Second-to-last digit: (number % 100) / 10 or (number / 10) % 10
Third-to-last digit: (number % 1000) / 100 or (number / 100) % 10
9. first: 19
second: 8
The code swaps the values of the variables first and second .
10. int first = 8, second = 19;
first += second;
second = first - second;
first -= second;
11. a: 6
b: 9
c: 16
12. 46
13. double y = 34.2 + x * (-4.6 + x * (19.3 + x * (-9.1 + x * 12.3)));
14. (a) 2 * count
(b) 15 * count - 11
(c) -10 * count + 40
(d) 4 * count - 11
-3 * count + 100
15. for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
// your code here
System.out.println(18 * i - 22);
16. 4
17. 24 1
22 2
19 3
15 4
10 5
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