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C i
C i
D i
e j
C i
q i
2 m
C i
C i
q i
v 1
Fig. 3. Illustration of the drawing of exclusive internal edges
Note that we remove loops but not multiple edges. We will produce the largest part of
the drawing inside a grid of size 2deg( v 1 )
2deg( v 2 ), which we position inside the
kernel of f . We distinguish the exclusive edges of G 1 and G 2 into two types. An ex-
clusive edgeis internal if its endpoint distinct from v 1 and v 2 belongs to one of the C i
for i =1 ,...,c . Otherwise the endpoint belongsto C and the edgeis external .
The vertices v 1 and v 2 are positioned below and left of the grid, respectively; see
Fig. 2a. By picking two external edges incident to v 1 and v 2 as the first edge, the circular
ordering around these vertices determine corresponding linear orderings. Second, for
each component C i , we obtain a linear ordering of its incident internal edges by the
ordering around a point in the kernel of the outer face; see Fig.2b.Our goal is to
draw the edges as shown in Fig. 3b. Since the linear ordering around v 1 and the linear
ordering determined by C i do not necessarily coincide, this requires that component C i
is positioned at a specific position, namely slightly left of the so-called last edge, which
is shown bold in Fig. 3a and 3b. In this way, the ordering of the edges around v 1 and v 2
imply a certain ordering of the components C i . Since these orderings generally differ,
we use the ordering around v 1 to determine the x -coordinate and the ordering around
v 2 to determine the y -coordinate on the grid. Thus, each of the two vertices “sees” the
components in the expected ordering;seeFig.2c.
We now sketch how to draw the edges of G 1 .Graph G 2 is drawn analogously,
but with exchanged x -and y -coordinates, which corresponds to mirroring the draw-
ing along adiagonal. Let e 0 ,...,e k denote the internal edges incident to v 1 linearly
ordered from left to right. Let C i be a component incident to edge e j .Wedrawedge e i
first from v 1 to the grid point (2 j, 0), then vertically upwards uptosomeheight y ( e j ),
then horizontally above the position of C i (see Fig. 3b), and from there down to the
position of C i and into its kernel. Finally, from there we route it to its endpoint in C i
(see Fig. 3c). The main point is the height y ( e j ), which we choose such that e j passes
above all components C i whose x -coordinate lies between the x -coordinate of e j , i.e.,
2 j ,andthe x -coordinate of the target component C i ;seeFig.3b.If e j is an internal
edge, then we draw it from v 1 to (2 j, 0) and from there vertically upwards throughthe
hole grid. It is then not hard to reach the target vertex of C with one or two more bends.
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