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kernel of f
last edge of C i in G 2
position of
C i ]
v 2
last edge of C i
in G 1
C i
f 0
e 0
e k
v 1
Fig. 2. Illustration of the placement of the G [ C i ] inside the face f for a (0 , 3)-drawing
Theorem 4. Let ( G 1 ,G 2 ) be twoplanar graphs witha S EFE embedding.Assumefur-
ther that G = G 1
G 2 is an induced subgraph of G 1 and G 2 , respectively.Ifeach
connected componentof G is biconnected, there exists a (0 , 3) -drawing of ( G 1 ,G 2 ) .
Sketch of Proof. Withoutlossofgenerality, we can assume that G 1 and G 2 are internally
triangulated and that the outer face of G does not contain any exclusive edges. Let C be
a connected component of G and denote by G [ C ] the subgraph of G consisting of all
vertices and edges that either belong to C or are embedded inside some inner face of C .
The graphs G 1 [ C ] and G 2 [ C ] are defined analogously. Note that if C is a connected
component of G with C
G [ C ],then G [ C ]
G [ C ]. Hence, the relation C
if and only if G [ C ]
G [ C ] defines a partial ordering of the components of G whose
transitive reduction is a tree. We prove the following claim by induction on the depth of
this tree; it implies the statement of the theorem.
Claim. Let C be a connected component of G with depth d .Theinduced S EFE of G 1 [ C ]
and G 2 [ C ] admits a (0 , 3)-drawing such that the outer face of G [ C ] is star-shaped.
The base case, where G [ C ]= C is biconnected, follows from Theorem 1(i). For the
induction step, assume that C is a component such that G [ C ] has depth d .Thegraph C
is biconnected, and we take a star-shaped drawing with positive kernel area in all faces.
Clearly, the outer face is star-shaped. We show that we can embed the remaining parts
of G 1 [ C ] and G 2 [ C ] inside the inner faces of C using the given embedding and such
that the result is a (0 , 3)-drawing. The faces of C can be treated independently. In the
following we fix an arbitrary internal face f and denote by C 1 ,...,C c the connected
components of G that are distinct from C and incident to f . Note that G [ C i ] has depth
at most d
1 and hence, by induction, we know that corresponding (0 , 3)-drawings
of G 1 [ C i ] and G 2 [ C i ] exist for i =1 ,...,c . We show how to arrange them in the
interior of f and how to draw the exclusive edges embedded inside f to obtain a (0 , 3)-
drawing of G 1 [ C ] and G 2 [ C ].Weassume that the only exclusive edges of G 1 and G 2
are the ones embedded inside f . This is not a restriction since there is no interaction
between exclusive edges in distinct faces of G . We can thus treat all faces independently.
Since G 1 and G 2 are triangulated, it follows that the subgraph induced by the ex-
clusive vertices of G i that are embedded inside f is connected, and we contract it into
asingle vertex v i for i =1 , 2, preserving the edgeordering of the given embedding.
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