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new vertices to triangulate its faces. Note that it may not be possible to triangulate H
without adding new vertices as this might violate the property of G being an induced
subgraph. All vertices and edges that are added during the triangulation can be removed
after a drawing has been found.
The vertices and edges of H
G are embedded in the faces of G . We show that, for
each face f of G , the parts of H
G embedded in f can be drawn inside f without
any bends. To this end, let f be a face of G and let H denote the subgraph of H
consisting of the boundary of f and all edges and vertices of H that are embedded
in f .Letfurther C denote the facial cycle bounding f . Note that C is a simple cycle
since G is biconnected. Then the graph H is a planar graph where one face is bounded
by C and all remaining faces are triangles. Hence, considering C as the boundary of
the outer face of H , it follows that H is internally triconnected and, moreover, it is
triconnected if and only if it does not contain a chord of C . This is, however, not the
case since C is an induced subgraph of H . It hence follows that H is triconnected.
Thus, H is triconnected and its outer vertices have been fixed to a star-shaped polygon
with positive kernel. A result of Hong and Nagamochi [11, Theorem 10] shows that the
given drawing of C can be extended to one of H without crossings and bends. Since
this reasoning can be applied independently to all faces, we find the claimed extension.
For the outer face we use a technique similar to [10] and position the vertices of
G incident to G on the boundary of a small disk in the interior of the kernel of
the outer face such that the edges between G and H
G can be drawn in a planar
way without intersecting the interior of the disk. Then, since the positioned exclusive
vertices are in convex position, the remaining drawing can be completed withoutany
bends by a Tutte drawing [19].
By applying Lemma 3, we immediately obtain the following corollary.
Corollary 2. Every biconnected plane graphhas a 1 -universaldrawing.
Theorem 3. Every connected plane graphhas an induced 1 -universaldrawing.
Proof. Let G be a connected planar graph with a fixed embedding.Weshowhowto
construct an induced 1-universal drawing of G .Let v be a cutvertex of G ,let f be a
face of G on whose boundary v occurs at least twice, and let vu and vw be two edges
incident to f and v that are consecutive in the circular ordering around v . We call such
a configuration an angle of G . We process this angle by adding to G anewvertex v
with neighbors u,v and w . We call v the representative vertex of the angle; see Fig.1.
Call G the graph resulting from G after processing all angles in this way. Note that G
is biconnected and hence has an induced 0-universal drawing ʓ by Theorem 2.
We claim that the restriction ʓ of ʓ to G is induced 1-universal. Let H
G be
aplanegraph that contains G as an induced subgraph. For each cutvertex v of G ,the
incident edges of H are embedded in one of the angles of v .Let u and w be the other
two vertices of such an angle at v and let vv 1 ,...,vv k denote the edges of H that are
embedded inside this angle. We modify H by creating anewvertex v that is adjacent
to u,v and w .Wefurther replace the edges vv 1 ,...,vv k by v v 1 ,...,v v k ,whichis
clearly possible in a planar way; see Fig.1,wheretheedges of E ( H )
E ( G ) are
shown dashed. Let H be the graph resulting from H by treating all angles of G in
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