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1 bends. Finally, note that each edge p i p j comes close
to each leaf of T (including p 1 ) at most twice, once for Δ i,k and once for Δ j,k .
E ( T )
E ( T )
1)+1 = 4
Now we are ready to finish the proof of Lemma 3. We show how to apply Lemma 6
in case G is not Hamiltonian, and not all its vertices are assigned fixed locations.
By Lemma 4, we can construct a graph G with a Hamiltonian cycle C by sub-
dividing each edgeof G at most twice, and by adding some edges, where G has a
planar embedding extending the embedding of G . Traverse C : whenever we encounter
an edgeof C with at least one endpoint not in U , contract that edge. This yields a new
Hamiltonian graph G with V ( G )= U and a planar embedding induced by the planar
embedding of G . Use Lemma 6 to embed G at the fixed vertex locations, and ʵ -close
to T , so that each edgeof G has at most 4 |E ( T ) |− 1 bends. Each vertex u ∈ U of G
corresponds to a set of vertices V u
V ( G ) which was contracted to u ,sothesubgraph
G u of G induced by V u is connected. Since we embedded G with the induced planar
embedding of G , we can now do some surgery to turn u back into G u .
To this end, we define a graph G u , which consists of G u ,ofacycle C u containing
G u in its interior, and of some further edges. Each vertex of C u corresponds to an edge
of G “incident to” G u , i.e., with an end-vertex in V u and with an end-vertex not in V u .
Vertices appear in C u in the same order as the corresponding edges incident to G u leave
G u (this order also corresponds to the cyclic order of the edges incident to v in G );
each vertex of C u corresponding to an edge e of G is connected to the end-vertex of e
in V u . Finally, G u contains further edges that triangulate its internal faces.
Now consider a small disk ʴ around u . We erase the part of the drawing of G
inside ʴ . We construct a straight-line convex drawing of G u in which each vertex of
C u is mapped to the point in which the corresponding edge crosses the boundary of
ʴ .Thisdrawing always exists (and can be constructed efficiently), given that G u is 2-
connected and internally-triangulated. Removing the edges that triangulate the internal
faces of G u completes the reintroduction of G u .
Overall, we added one bend to an edge with exactly one endpoint in V u . Since an
edge can have endpoints in at most two V u , this process adds at most two bends per
edge, so every edge has at most 4
+1 bends. Since each edgeof G was subdivided
at most twice to obtain G , each edgeof G has at most 3(4
E ( T )
E ( T )
E ( T )
5 < 12
bends. Each edgeof G comes close to each leaf of T at most twice, so
each edgeof G comes close to each vertex of U at most six times. This concludes the
proof of Lemma 3.
V ( T )
Extending Partial Straight-Line Planar Drawings Greedily
Let G be an n -vertex plane graph, let H be a spanning subgraph of G ,let
be a
straight-line planar drawing of H ,andlet ˃ =[ e 1 ,...,e m ] be an ordering of the edges
in G
with respect to ˃ if it is obtained
by drawing edges e 1 ,...,e m in this order, so that e i is drawn as a polygonal curve that
respects the embedding of G and with the minimumnumber of bends, for i =1 ,...,m .
Fowler et al. claimed in [10] that, for every ordering ˃ of the edges in G
H .Adrawing ʓ of G greedily extends
H such that
the edges between distinct connected components of H precede edges between vertices
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