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v k
v j +1
p 1
p 0
v 1
p 2
p 5
v 0
v 0
v j
v 3
v 2
v j− 1
p 3
p 4
Fig. 6. Constructing increasing-chord drawings of binary trees and cactuses in
For each such building block of the drawing consisting of a K 1 , 3 insidearegular
hexagon with 90 angles, we add its copy mirrored at an arc of the hexagon containing
a leaf node of the tree constructed so far. For example, in the first iteration, we add
three copies of
mirrored at p 0 p 1 , p 2 p 3 and p 4 p 5 , respectively, and the corresponding
inscribed K 1 , 3 subtrees. The construction after two iterations is shown in Fig.6b.This
process can be continued infinitely to construct a drawing ʓ of the infinite binary tree.
However, we stop after we have completed ʓ for the tree T .
We now show that ʓ (and thusalso ʓ ) has the desired properties. Due to isometries
and the aforementioned sufficient condition, it suffices to consider edge e = v 0 v 1 and
show that a normal on e does not cross ʓ in another point. To see this, consider Fig.6a.
Due to the choice of the angles of
, all the other hexagonal tiles of ʓ are contained in
one of the three bluequadrangular regions
l v i p 2 i− 2 ), i =1 , 2 , 3.
Thus, the regions l v 1 p 1 and l v 1 p 0 (gray) contain no point of ʓ . Therefore, since each
normal on v 0 v 1 is contained in the “slab” D
i := l v 0 v i \
( l v i p 2 i− 1
l v 1 v 0 ) bounded by the diameter
through p 2 ,p 5 and the line through p 0 ,p 1 (dashed) and is parallel to both of these lines,
it contains no other point of ʓ .
( l v 0 v 1
We note that our proof is similar in spirit to the one by Kleinberg [12], who also used
2 .
As in the Euclidean case, it can be easily shown that if a tree T contains a node v
of degree 4, it has a self-approaching drawing in
2 to prove that any tree has a greedy drawing in
2 if and only if T is a subdivision
of K 1 , 4 (apply an isometry, such that v is in the origin of D ). This completely charac-
terizes the trees admitting a self-approaching drawing in
2 .Further, it is known that
every binary cactus and, therefore, every 3-connected planar graph has a binary span-
ning tree [5, 13].
Corollary 2. (i) Atree T has an increasing-chord drawing in
2 if andonly if T
either has maximum degree 3 or is a subdivision of K 1 , 4 . (ii) Every binary cactus and,
therefore, every 3-connected planar graphhas an increasing-chord drawing in
2 .
2 ; see the example in
Theorem 2. We use the above construction to produce planar self-approaching drawings
of binary cactuses in
Again, note that this is not the case for binary cactuses in
2 . We show how to choose a spanning tree and angles at vertices
of degree 2, such that non-tree edges can be added withoutintroducing crossings; see
Fig.6cforasketchandthefull version [15] for the proof.
2 .
Corollary 3. Every binary cactus has a planarincreasing-chord drawing in
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