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W ʸ ( a )
p 1
p k
Fig. 2. Wedge W ʸ ( a ) contains path P a
between a and q . By definition of ʸ -path, for every point a on
, the closed wedge
W ʸ ( a ) with an angle of 90 incident to a and whose delimiting lines have slope ʸ
and ʸ +45 contains the subpath
P a of
from a to p k . Hence, by Lemma 3 in [9],
self-approaching from p 1 to p k .Ananalogous proof shows that
is self-approaching
is a ( ʸ + 180 )-path from p k to p 1 .
from p k to p 1 , given that
We now prove that Gabriel triangulations contain ʸ -paths.
Lemma 4. Let G be aGabriel triangulation onapointset P .Forevery two points
s, t
P ,there exists an angle ʸ such that G contains a ʸ -path from s to t .
P . Clockwise rotate G of an angle ˆ so that
y ( s )= y ( t ) and x ( s ) <x ( t ). Observe that, if there exists a ʸ -path from s to t after the
rotation, then there exists a ( ʸ + ˆ )-path from s to t before the rotation.
A ʸ -path ( p 1 ,...,p k ) in G is maximal if there is no z
Proof. Consider any two points s, t
P such that p k z is a ʸ -
edge. For every maximal ʸ -path
H P .
Namely, assume the converse, for a contradiction. Since G is a Gabriel triangulation, the
angle between any two consecutive edges incident to an internal vertex of G is smaller
than 90 ,thusthereisa ʸ -edgeincidentto p k . This contradicts the maximality of
=( p 1 ,...,p k ) in G , p k lies on the border of
A maximal ʸ -path ( s = p 1 ,...,p k ) is high if either (a) y ( p k ) >y ( t ) and x ( p k ) <
x ( t ),or(b) p i p i +1 intersects the vertical line through t at a point above t ,forsome
1. Symmetrically, a maximal ʸ -path ( s = p 1 ,...,p k ) is low if either (a)
y ( p k ) <y ( t ) and x ( p k ) <x ( t ),or(b) p i p i +1 intersects the vertical line through t at a
point below t ,forsome1
1.Highandlow( ʸ + 180 )-paths starting at t can
be defined analogously. The proof of the lemma consists of two main claims.
Claim 1. If a maximal ʸ -path
P s starting at s and a maximal ( ʸ +180 )-path
P t starting
45 ,
at t exist such that
P s and
P t are both high or both low, for some
then there exists a ʸ -path in G from s to t .
Claim 2. For some
45 , there exist a maximal ʸ -path
P s starting at s and
a maximal ( ʸ + 180 )-path
P t starting at t that are both high or both low.
Observe that Claims 1 and 2 imply the lemma.
We now prove Claim 1. Suppose that G contains a maximal high ʸ -path
P s starting
at s and a maximal high ( ʸ + 180 )-path
45 .
P t starting at t ,forsome
P s and
P t share a vertex v
P , then the subpath of
P s from s to v and the subpath
P t from v to t form a ʸ -path in G from s to t .Thus, it suffices to show that
P s
P t share a vertex. For a contradiction assume the converse. Let p s and p t be the
end-vertices of
P s and
P t different from s and t , respectively. Recall that p s and p t
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