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Lemma 1. Let k be thesizeoftheboundary of F .Forany ʵ> 0 wecan efficiently
construct an inner ʵ -approximation F of F whose boundaryhassize 3 k (see Figure 1).
We prove Lemma 1 using Lemma 2 in which, for every sufficiently small ʵ> 0 we
construct a closed polygonal arc P ʵ that is ʵ -close to the facial walk, does not have too
many bends, and so that the simple polygon bounded by P ʵ lies in the interior of the
simple polygon bounded by P ʵ for all 0 (in particular, any two polygonal
arcs are disjoint). There are various ways to achieve this. Pach and Wenger [20] use the
Minkowski sum of the facial walk (in their case the facial walk of a tree) and a square
diamond centered at 0.Weuse a slightly different construction, because it seems eas-
ier (both computationally and conceptually) and it gives a slightly better bound on the
number of bends (which is what we are most interested in); namely for the facial walk
of an n -vertex tree, Pach and Wenger construct a polygonal arc with 4 n
2 vertices,
while our polygonal arcs have 2 n
2 vertices. Our construction does have one disad-
vantage: the resulting drawings will get rather tight for sharp (acute or obtuse) angles
(the Minkowski-sum construction has the same problem for highly obtuse angles only).
Lemma 2. Let W be a facial walk inaface F of a drawing of agraph G in theplane.
We can efficiently construct a disjointfamily of polygonal arcs P ʵ so that P ʵ is ʵ -close
to W andeach P ʵ has at most max
3 ,
Proof. Let e,v,f be a corner of W , that is, two consecutive edges e , f and their shared
vertex v .At v erect the angle bisector of e and f of length ʵ (inside F ), and let v be the
endpoint of the bisector different from v .Forcomputational reasons, it may be better to
use the 1 -norm at this point (the Euclidean norm will lead to square root expressions
in the coordinates). If ( v i ) i =1
then ( v i ) i =1 defines a closed polygonal arc. If ʵ is sufficiently small, namely less than
half the distance between any vertex of W and a non-adjacent edgeon W ,thearcis
free of self-crossings, and therefore bounds a simple polygon with
is the sequence of vertices along W , with k =
vertices. There
are two special cases in which this argument does not work: if the boundary walk is a
boundary walk on an isolated vertex or an isolated edge. In both of these cases, we can
approximate W using atriangular shape.
Lemma 2 allows us to replace a facial boundary with a simple polygonwithholes ,
that is, a collection of closed polygonal arcs that bound a face which is very close
to the original boundary, has bounded complexity, and can be constructed efficiently.
This leads to a proof of Lemma 1. Namely, approximate each facial walk of the facial
boundary with an ʵ -close polygonal arc lying in F .Theunion of those arcs is a simple
polygon with holes as long as ʵ is less than half the distance between any two non-
adjacent vertices or edges. The upper bound of 3 k will generally be a large overestimate,
but allows for the possibility that all the inner walks are walks on isolated vertices.
We n ow r e turn to the proof of Theorem 1. After constructing an inner ʵ -approximation
F of F by using Lemma 1, the next step is to construct tree T .Triangulate F using at
most m F +2( b
2) triangles 3
and usearesult of Bern and Gilbert [3] to construct a
Every n -vertex polygon with b boundary components can be triangulated by inserting edges
in O ( n log n ) time. The number of resulting triangles is n +2( b − 2) (see [19, Lemma 5.1]).
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