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tion in simultaneousplanardrawingsis NP -hard, since it is NP -hard to decide whether
there is a straight-line simultaneousdrawing [9]. Crossing minimization in simultane-
ousplanardrawingsisalso NP -hard, as follows from an NP -hardness result on an-
chored planardrawings by Cabello and Mohar [5] (see Section 4).
As mentioned above, the special cases of PEG and SEFE in which there are no edges
in the pre-drawn subgraphandinthecommonsubgraph have been already studied.
ConcerningPEG, Pach and Wenger [20] proved the following result: given an n -
vertex planar graph G with fixed vertex locations, a planar drawing of G in which each
edge has at most 120 n bends can be constructed in O ( n 2 ) time. They also proved that
such a bound is tight in the worst case. A 3 n +2upper bound improvingupon the 120 n
upper bound of Pach and Wenger has been proved by Badent et al. [2].
Concerning SEFE, Erten and Kobourov[8]provedthefollowing result: given two
planar graphs G 1 and G 2 sharing some vertices and no edges with a total number of n
vertices, there is an O ( n )-time algorithm to construct a simultaneousplanardrawing of
G 1 and G 2 on a grid of size O ( n 2 )
O ( n 2 ), with at most 3 bends per edge, hence at
most 16 crossings between any edgeof G 1 and any edgeof G 2 .Building on Kaufmann
and Wiese'sdrawing algorithm [17], the number of bends per edgeandthenumber of
crossings per pair of edges can be reduced to 2 and 9, respectively, at the expense of an
exponential increase in the area of the simultaneousdrawing.
Haeupler et al. [13] showed that if two simultaneously planar graphs G 1 and G 2
share a subgraph G that is connected, then there is a simultaneousplanardrawing in
which any edgeof G 1
G intersect at most once. Introducing
vertices at crossing points yields a planar graph, and a straight-line drawing of that graph
provides a simultaneousplanardrawing with O ( n ) bends per edge, O ( n ) crossingsper
edge, and with vertices, bends, and crossingsonan O ( n 2 )
G and any edgeof G 2
O ( n 2 ) grid. Ourresult
generalizes this to the case where the common graph G is not necessarily connected.
Graph Drawing Terminology
A rotation system for a graph is a cyclic ordering of the edges incident to each vertex. A
rotation system of a connected graph determines its facial walks —the closed walks in
which each edge ( u,v ) is followed by the next edge ( v,w ) in the cyclic order at v .The
facial walks are the boundaries of the faces in an embedding of the graph. The size
of a facial walk W is the length of W (edge repetitions are counted). A rotation system
is planar if it corresponds to a planar drawing;a planarembedding of a connected
graph consists of a planar rotation system together with a specified outer face.
These definitions do not handle the situation in which the graph is not connected.
Following Junger and Schulz [16], we define a topologicalembedding of a (possibly
non-connected) graph as follows: We specify a planar embedding for each connected
component. This determines a set of inner faces. For each connected component we
specify a “containing” face, which may be an inner face of some other component or the
uniqueouter face. Furthermore, we forbid cycles of containment—in other words, if a
connected component is contained in an inner face, which is contained in a component,
etc., then this chain of containments must lead eventually to the uniqueouter face.
A facialboundary in a topological embedding of a graph is the collection of facial
walks along the (not necessarily connected) boundary of a face. Each face (unless it is
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