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w ( e,v ) ;( e,v )
.Thealgorithm tests whether 0
v + W , which is equivalent to
Z 2 .
The difference between the original algorithm for planarity testing and ourversion
for c -planarity testing is the following. To keep the drawing of ( G, T ) clustered after
every deformation, for every edge e = v 1 v 2 , we allow only those edge-vertex switches
( e,v ) such that v is a child of some vertex of the shortest path between v 1 and v 2 in T .
We also include edge-cluster switches ( e,C ),where C is a child of some vertex of the
shortest path between v 1 and v 2 in T , that move e over all vertices of C simultaneously.
The corresponding vector w ( e,C ) is the sumofall w ( e,v ) for v
the solvability of a system of linear equations over
C . Therefore, the set
of allowed switches generates a subspace W c of W .Ouralgorithm then tests whether
v + W c .
Before running the algorithm, we first remove any loops and parallel edges and check
for the resultinggraph G .Thenwerunouralgorithm on
( G ,T ). This means solving asystemof O (
E ( G )
V ( G )
< 3
E ( G )
V ( G )
2 ) linear equa-
)= O (
V ( G )
E ( G )
2 )= O (
2 ) variables. This can be performed in O (
2 ˉ )
tions in O (
V ( G )
V ( G )
4 . 752 ) time using the algorithm by Ibarra, Moran and Hui[24].
O (
V ( G )
Two Clusters
Let ( G, T ) be a two-clustered graph. Let A and B denote the two clusters of ( G, T )
forming a partition of V = V ( G ).Forasubset V
V ,let G [ V ] denote the subgraph
of G induced by V .Bytheassumption of Theorem 1 and the strong Hanani-Tutte
theorem, G has an embedding. However, in this embedding, G [ B ] does not have to be
contained in a single face of G [ A ] and vice-versa. Hence, we cannot guarantee that a
clustered embedding of ( G, T ) exists so easily.
For an induced subgraph H of G ,the boundary of H is the set of vertices in H that
have a neighbor in G − H . We say that an embedding
D ( H ) of H is exposed if all
vertices from the boundary of H are incident to the outer face of
D ( H ).
The following lemma is an easy consequence of the strong Hanani-Tutte theorem. It
helps us to find an exposed embedding of each connected component X of G [ A ] and
G [ B ]. Later in the proof of Theorem 1 this allows us to remove non-essential parts of
each such component X and concentrate only on a subgraph G of G in which both
G [ A ] and G [ B ] are outerplanar.
Lemma 1. Suppose that ( G, T ) admits an independently even clustered drawing.Then
every connected componentof G [ A ]
G [ B ] admits an exposed embedding.
Our proof of Theorem 1 proceeds by reducing the problem to an application of the
following lemma.
Lemma 2. Let ( G, T ) denote a two-clustered bipartite graph inwhich thetwo non-
trivialclusters induce independentsets.If G admits an even drawing then ( G, T ) is
c-planar. Mo re over, there exists a clustered embedding of ( G, T ) with thesamerotation
systemasin the given even drawing of G .
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