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(see [11]); hence, testing the c -planarity of C is equivalent to solve the PSSTTM problem
for A . Finally, as described before the lemma, there exists an O (
2 )-time algorithm
that modifies multigraph A so that it satisfies Property 1.
Algorithm Outline
In this section we give an outline of ouralgorithm for testing the existence of a planar
set S of spanning trees for A .Weassume that A satisfies Property 1.
Ouralgorithm repeatedly tries to detect certain substructures in A . When it does
find one of such substructures, the algorithm either “simplifies” A or concludes that A
does not admit any planar set of spanning trees. For example, if a cluster ʱ exists such
that A [ ʱ ] is not connected, then the algorithm concludes that no planar set of spanning
trees exists and terminates; as another example, if conflicting con-edges e ʱ and e ʲ
for clusters ʱ and ʲ exist in A such that e ʱ is a bridgefor A [ ʱ ], then the algorithm
determines that e ʱ has to be in S and that e ʲ can be assumed not to be in S .
If the algorithm determines that certain edges have to be in S or can be assumed not
to be in S ,theseedges are contracted or removed, respectively. Given a set A
A ,
the operation of removing A from A consists of updating A := A
A . Given a set
A , the operation of contracting the edges in A consists of identifying the end-
vertices of each con-edge e in A (all the con-edges different from e and incident to the
end-vertices of e remain in A ), and of updating A := A
A .
Edges are removed or contracted only when this does not alter the possibility of
finding a planar set of spanning trees for A . Also, contractions are only applied to
con-edges that cross no other con-edges; hence, after any contraction, graph K A only
changes for the removal of the isolated vertices corresponding to the contracted edges.
As a consequence of a removal or of a contraction operation, the number of edges
in A decreases, that is, A is “simplified”. After any simplification due to the detection
of a certain substructure in A ,thealgorithm will runagain all previoustestsforthe
detection of the other substructures. In fact, it is possible that a certain substructure
arises from performing a simplification on A (e.g., a bridgemight be present in A after
a set of edges has been removed from A ). Since detecting each substructure that leads
to a simplification in A can be performed in quadratic time, and since the initial size of
A is linear in the size of C ,thealgorithm has a cubic running time.
If none of the four tests (called T EST 1-4) and none of the eight simplifications
(called S IMPLIFICATION 1-8) described in Section 4 applies to A ,then A is a single-
conflict multigraph. That is, each con-edgein A crosses at most one con-edgein A .
A linear-time algorithm for deciding the existence of a planar set of spanning trees
in a single-conflict multigraph A is known [11]. Hence, ouralgorithm uses that algo-
rithm [11] to conclude the test of the existence of a planar set of spanning trees in A .
To ease the reading and avoid text duplication, when introducing a new lemma we al-
ways assume, withoutmaking it explicit, that all the previously defined simplifications
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