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Fig. 1. (a) A clustered graph C . (b) Con-edges in C .(c)Multigraph A . (d) A planar set S of
spanning trees for A .Edges in S are thick and solid, while edges in A \ S are thin and dashed.
becomes seemingly simpler. Since the embedding of G is fixed and since G has to
be planar, edges in S can only be embedded inside faces of G . This implies that, for
any two edges e 1 and e 2 that can be inserted inside a face f of G , it is known a priori
whether e 1 and e 2 can be both in S , namely only if their end-vertices do not alternate
along the boundary of f .Also, S can be assumed to contain only edges between vertices
in distinct connected components of G [ ʱ ], for each cluster ʱ ,asothertypesofedges
do not help to connect any cluster.
Consider a face f of G and let ( o 1 ,...,o k ) be the clockwise order of the occur-
rences of vertices along the boundary of f ,where o i and o j might be occurrences of
thesamevertex u (this might happen if u is a cut-vertex of G ). A con-edge (short for
connectivity-edge ) is a pair of occurrences ( o i ,o j ) of distinct vertices both belonging
to a cluster ʱ , both incident to f , and belonging to different connected components of
G [ ʱ ] (see Fig. 1(b)). If there are distinct pairs of occurrences of vertices u and v along
asingle face f , then there are con-edges connecting u and v in f , one for each pair
of occurrences. A con-edgefor ʱ is a con-edge connecting vertices in a cluster ʱ .Two
con-edges e and e in f have a conflict or cross (we write e
e ) if the occurrences in
e alternate with the occurrences in e along the boundary of f .
The multigraph A of thecon-edges is an embedded multigraph that is defined as
follows. Starting from G , insert all the con-edges inside the faces of G ; then, for each
cluster ʱ and for each connected component G i [ ʱ ] of G [ ʱ ], contract G i [ ʱ ] into a single
vertex; finally, remove all the edges of G .SeeFig. 1(c). With a slight abuse of notation,
we denote by A both the multigraph of the con-edges and the set of its edges. For each
cluster ʱ , we denote by A [ ʱ ] the subgraph of A induced by the con-edges for ʱ .A
planarsetofspanning trees for A is a set S
A such that: (i) for each cluster ʱ ,
the subset S [ ʱ ] of S induced by the con-edges for ʱ is a tree that spans the vertices
belonging to ʱ ; and (ii) there exist no two edges in S that have a conflict. See Fig. 1(d).
The PSSTTM problem asks whether a planar set of spanning trees for A exists.
The following lemma relates the c -planarity problem for embedded flat clustered
graphs to the PSSTTM problem.
Lemma 1 ( [11]). An embedded flatclustered graph C ( G, T ) is c -planarifandonly if:
(1) G is planar; (2) there exists a face f in G such that when f is chosenasouter face
for G nocycle composed of vertices of thesamecluster encloses avertex of a different
cluster; and(3)a planarsetofspanning trees for A exists.
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