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Theorem 1. Let G be an n-vertex planar graph with maximum degree Δ.If
G contains a simple cycle separator of size ʻ,thenG admits a 4 -bend polyline
drawing with height 4 n/ 9+ O ( ʻΔ ) and at most 4 ʻΔ bends in total.
Since every planar triangulation has a simple cycle separator of size O ( n )[8],
we obtain the following corollary.
Corollary 1. Every n-vertex planar triangulation with maximum degree o ( n )
admits a polyline drawing with height at most 4 n/ 9+ o ( n ) .
Pach and Toth [15] showed that polyline drawings can be transformed into
straight-line drawings while preserving the height if the polyline drawing is mono-
tone, i.e., if every edge in the polyline drawing is drawn as a y -monotone curve.
Unfortunately, our algorithm does not necessarily produce monotone drawings.
4 Drawing Planar 3-Trees with Small Height
In this section we examine straight-line drawings of planar 3-trees.
4.1 Technical Background
Let G be an n -vertex planar 3-tree and let ʓ be a straight-line drawing of G .
Then ʓ can be constructed by starting with a triangle, which corresponds to the
outer face of ʓ , and then iteratively inserting the other vertices into the inner
faces and triangulating the resulting graph. Let a,b,c be the outer vertices of ʓ
in clockwise order. If n> 3, then ʓ has a unique vertex p that is incident to all
the outer vertices. This vertex p is called the representative vertex of G .
For any cycle i,j,k in G ,let G ijk be the subgraph induced by the vertices
i,j,k and the vertices lying inside the cycle. Let G ijk be the number of vertices
in G ijk . The following two lemmas describe some known results.
Lemma 4 (Mondal et al. [14]). Let G be a plane 3 -tree and let i,j,k be a
cycle of three vertices in G.ThenG ijk is a plane 3 -tree.
Lemma 5 (Hossain et al. [11]). Let G be an n-vertex plane 3 -tree with
the outer vertices a,b,c in clockwise order. Let D be a drawing of the outer
cycle a,b,c on L n , where the vertices lie on l 1 , l k and l i with k
n and
.ThenG admits a straight-line drawing ʓ on L k ,where
the outer cycle of ʓ coincides with D.
l 1 ,l 2 ,l n ,l n− 1 }
Let G be a plane 3-tree and let a,b,c be the outer vertices of G . Assume that
G has a drawing ʓ on L k ,where a, b lie on lines l 1 ,l k , respectively, and c lies on
line l i ,where1
k . Then the following properties hold for ʓ [11].
Reshape. Let p,q and r be three different points on lines l 1 ,l k and l i , respec-
tively. Then G has a drawing ʓ on L k such that the outer face of ʓ coincides
with triangle pqr (e.g., Figures 3(a)-(b)).
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