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lemma can be derived from the known straight-line [5] and polyline drawing
algorithms [4]. We omit the proof due to space constraints.
Lemma 2. Let G be an n-vertex plane triangulation and let v 1 ,v n ,v 2 be the
outer vertices of G in clockwise order on the outer face. Assume that T v n has
at most p leaves. Then for any placement of v n on line l 1 or l p +2 ,thereexistsa
straight-line drawing ʓ of G on L p +2 such that v 2 and v 1 lie on lines l p +2 and
l 1 , respectively.
Chrobak and Nakano [6] showed that every planar graph admits a straight-
line drawing with height 2 n/ 3. We now observe some properties of Chrobak and
Nakano's algorithm [6]. Let G be a plane triangulation with n vertices and let
x, y be two user prescribed outer vertices of G in clockwise order. Let ʓ be the
drawing of G produced by the Algorithm of Chrobak and Nakano [6]. Then ʓ
has the following properties:
(CN 1 ) ʓ is a drawing on L q ,where q
2 n/ 3.
(CN 2 ) For the vertices x and y ,wehave l ( x )= l 1 and l ( y )= l q in ʓ .The
remaining outer vertex z lies on either l 1 or l q .
Note that the user cannot choose the placement of z , i.e., the algorithm may
produce a drawing where l ( x )= l 1 ,l ( y )= l q and l ( z )= l 1 , however, this does
not imply that there exists another drawing where l ( x )= l 1 ,l ( y )= l q and
l ( z )= l q . We end this section with the following lemma.
Lemma 3. Let G be a plane graph and let ʓ be a straight-line drawing of G on
k horizontal lines, but the lines are not necessarily equally spaced. Then there
exists a drawing ʓ of G on a set of k horizontal lines that are equally spaced.
Furthermore, for every i
, the left to right order of the vertices on
the ith line in ʓ coincides with that of ʓ .
Proof (Outline). One can construct ʓ by first transforming ʓ intoa'flat-
visibility representation' on equally spaced horizontal lines, as shown in Fig-
ures 1(d)-(e), and then transforming this representation again into a straight-
line drawing [1,3].
1 , 2 ,...,k
In the following sections we describe our drawing algorithms. Note that for
simplicity we often omit the floor and ceiling functions while defining different
parameters of the algorithms. One can describe a more careful computation using
proper floor and ceiling functions, but that does not affect the asymptotic results
discussed in this paper.
3 Drawing Triangulations with Small Height
Let G =( V,E )bean n -vertex planar triangulation and let ʓ be a planar drawing
of G on the Euclidean plane. Let C =( V c ,E c ) be a simple cycle separator of
G of size ʻ .Let G i =( V i ,E i ) be the graph induced by the vertices that lie
inside C and on the boundary of C . Similarly, let G o =( V o ,E o ) be the graph
induced by the vertices that lie outside C and on the boundary of C . Specifically,
V = V i
V o , E = E i
E o , V i
V o = V c ,and E i
E o = E c .Wenowcomputea
polyline drawing of G .
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